Price Comparison Chart

Think twice before you buy from or renew anything with other providers!
Many providers are showing very low prices simply because they hide
up some important charges, like subsequent web hosting charges and
fees you might otherwise have to pay when you leave.
upholds a straight-forward annual price for all your needs. No monthy
charges, no hidden costs!
Be smart! Compare the Annual Prices!

For example, if you order a .com, .net, or .org domain name, please
compare the fees you have to pay to various providers for 1 year of service:
Domain |
+ Hosting Fee |
Total Annual Fee |
Domain Avenue |
Go Daddy | |
Verio |
Value Web |
Network Solutions |
Domain Direct |
Enom |
Renew your domain with us and SAVE MONEY

If you already have a domain name with some other registrar, you
can have it renewed through us so that you save money! You can renew your
domain name with us by transferring your name to us. The price for
transferring, including extending your domain name for 1 year and all
the great FREE Web hosting stuff we offer, is a one-off USD35. Transfer and renew your domain name to us now!
Why are the prices so low!

See what CNN Financial News says about us and you will
understand why our prices can be THIS low.
1. All prices are in U.S. dollars.
2. Prices are from official web sites on 12-Mar-2002.
3. Rates for 1-year domains unless otherwise indicated.
4. Pricing applies during registration period.

Special volume discount

For orders of 5 or more names, including registration
of new domain names and transfer of
registrars for an existing names, EACH of your domain name will automatically
be given a USD10 discount. This means, it only costs you USD25 to register
a new domain name or transfer your name to us, both including one year of
web hosting service! You will automatically be given this volume discount
when you register or transfer 5 or more names with via new registration
interface or multiple registration interface.
Read more about our volume discount